Michael Russotto
By Wes Calkin
Michael Russotto (he/him/his) made his Woolly Mammoth debut in 1985, playing Albert, the lodger, in Metamorphosis. Since then, Michael has appeared in many other Woolly shows, such as The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi, The Pitchfork Disney, The Gene Pool, Wonder of the World, Fuddy Meers, Homebody/Kabul, The Day Room, Lenny and Lou, The Velvet Sky, The Faculty Room, Vigils (Helen Hayes Awards Nomination, Outstanding Ensemble), She Stoops to Comedy (Helen Hayes Awards Nomination, Outstanding Lead Actor/Ensemble), Full Circle, House of Gold, and A Bright New Boise. He appeared as Yvan in Signature Theatre’s production of Art. In the DC area, Michael has also performed at Arena Stage, The Folger Theatre, Olney Theatre Center, Theatre J, Rep Stage, Washington Stage Guild, Theatre Alliance, Metro Stage, Wayside Theatre, and Studio Theatre. He teaches acting and directing at The Theatre Lab, and is a long-time, award-winning narrator of recorded books for the Library of Congress and several commercial companies.