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Surasree Das


Surasree Das (she/they) is a Bangladeshi immigrant who carries a fiery passion for this world and its people. Previous work include; Spooky Action: Frontiéres Sans Frontiéres (Noon) CSC: As you like it (Celia) EStP: Twelfth Night (Viola), Merry Wives (Mistress Quickly), Romeo and Juliet (Juliet), Midsummer (Hermia), Olney Theatre (u/s, Arundhathi and Megha), Strand Theatre: Little Women (Jo March); Smithsonian: Seasons of Light; Free Range Humans: Jekyll/Hyde (Nellie); Imagination Stage: Hungry Caterpillar (u/s all, performed) Princess Pauper (Zoya); BAPAC/The Tank NYC: TornKid (TornKid); Center Stage: Animal Farm; Single Carrot: Lear (Goneril); Constellation: Arabian Nights (Dunyazade); Toby’s: South Pacific (Liat) Awards: BITrsister Best actor nomination (Jo March), Best Ensemble(Little Women), Best Devised(TornKid) instagram: drag0n_mistress tiktok: Drag0nmistress